Code of Ethics

At KACCIMA we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical behavior and promoting a culture of integrity, respect, and responsibility. Our Code of Ethics serves as a guiding framework for all members to ensure that we collectively contribute to a positive and inclusive environment as follows

  1. To be loyal in all our dealings and to have mutual respect for the laws of the land and of other Nations.
  2. To protect the health, safety, and Economic Environment of all.
  3. To be fair, firm, and transparent with Customer Suppliers, and Competitors.
  4. To respect the right of fair competition as an acceptable Global phenomenon.
  5. To respect the Confidentiality of business/trade secrets or information of Constituent Members entrusted to us.
  6. Not to take advantage of fellow members’ recognized weakness and n unethically seek to take over the ownerships of member’s business or rights.
  7. To promote and protect the interest of Private sector Operations by networking.
  8. To shun any form of abuse of office, bribery, and corruption.
  9. To always remain a partner with all tiers of Government but to be No hesitant to criticize or disagree with bad policies and/or actions of the Government.
  10. To commend the good works and policies of Government to enhance by living standard and disagreement that may arise within the Chamber Commerce Movement Internally.
  11. demanded.

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